An amazing 2 days with a perfectly thought out programme await you. We have prepared for you:
- advanced presentations;
- hands-on training from the best masters of their trade;
- Wine & Tech Dinner with Speakers;
- unforgettable AfterParty (after all, after a fruitful work it is necessary to have a good rest and relax!).
Become a member Moldova DevCon 2024 (#MDC24). The event will be held in Chisinau at Chisinau Arena on 1 and 2 November and more than 1000 IT professionals are expected.
Table of Contents
Why should you become a member of #MDC?
At the event you will be able to:
- Listen to presentations and masterclasses from leading experts from near and far abroad. The latest and most useful information on the most topical issues is prepared for you.
- Meet and socialise with hundreds of other IT technicians. Make promising contacts and connections. You will have time to create new projects and improve existing ones.
- To get the maximum pleasure from a marvellous pastime in a circle of like-minded people. Enjoy great soft and alcoholic drinks and first-class snacks.
No other similar event will provide you with such wonderful prospects!
Who organises Moldova DevCon (#MDC)
The main organiser of the event is Fusion Works, which since 2011 has been providing a full range of services to design and build IT products such as DELY, FusionWorks Academy, Talents.Tech, ViarLive.
The partners of the event were Arena Chisinau, Simpals and Volvo by DAAC Hermes. However, the conference team continues to be open to partnerships, you can apply on their website or by emailing
What's going to happen at #MDC?
The order of the first day of the conference is as follows:
- 17:00 - registration of participants and coffee break.
- 18:00 - welcome speech from Anton Perkin (CEO@MDC).
- 18:15 - presentations by the speakers of the event.
- 20:00 - Wine&Tech Dinner.
The order of the second day:
- 09:00 - registration of participants and coffee break.
- 10:00 - welcome speech from the organisers.
- 10:15 - 19:00 - presentations by speakers.
- 19:00 - closing remarks
- 20:00 - AfterParty
You will be welcomed by 20 speakers, both with individual presentations and in the form of panel discussions. Including from the founder and CEO of - Manuel Kelman (Germany). This man has created many companies since 2003 and has experienced the so-called roller coaster ride of an entrepreneur.
There are 5 masterclasses prepared for you. One of them is by David De Hoop (Netherlands), a robot special agent for thought management in the RockstarsIT team. He has over 10 years in software architecture and successful collaboration with DevOps under his belt. You will get a lot of useful and practical information from his masterclass.
And this is just a tiny fraction of what is prepared for you at the upcoming forum of advanced IT technologies.
3 types of tickets for conference participants
To reserve your participation in our unforgettable forum. You can currently get unique discounts on all 3 types of tickets:
- 1st (standard), which includes participation in the conference, free drinks (coffee/tea/water), Saturday AfterParty. The cost of this option including the bonus offer is now 78 Euro.
- 2nd (extended), which has an addition to the standard package - participation in masterclasses. Its cost is 103 Euro.
- 3rd (Advanced). Here you get a VIP room including food and drinks for 2 days and a Friday dinner with Wine&Tech with speakers. 207 Euros.
Hurry while the 30% discounts are still in effect until 31/05/2024!
To book a ticket on the website, there is a special button in the top menu.
Good news for anyone who has decided to get to the forum venue on their own, there are free parking spaces available. To avoid any problems, don't forget to bring your e-ticket. And there will be no dress code - dress to your taste.
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