After a break from the meetups, with fresh ideas from the Product Management Conference, we invite you on 30 November, 18:30, at Orange {kITchen}. The "Trends in Product Management" Meetup is designed to highlight new trends in Product Management, presented by professionals with valuable experience in leading product management tools.
🌞 Andy Stan, Vice President of Strategy at
Andy is a researcher and consultant known for his expertise in business model innovation, transformational technology adoption, and network effects consolidation. At the meeting, Andy will discuss his latest research on the transformational power of network effects (NFX) in product management. He will introduce the concept of the "three-layered canvas", a strategic term for managers to leverage NFX in product management, utility and value creation, innovation learning and differentiation.
🤓 Andrian Adam, UX/UI design and research at IBM
With a decade of experience, Andrian has worked with B2B and B2C clients in a variety of industries. He specialises in building eCommerce platforms that improve user satisfaction. At the meeting, Andrian will talk about IBM's proprietary Carbon Design System concept, specifically how it helps improve usability and functionality.
📍Registration link:
The ticket price until November 27 is 200 lei
After November 28, the ticket price is 300 lei.
The event is organised by Product Management Community and Technovator with the support of Future Technologies Project supported by USAID, Sweden and UKaid, partner: Orange Systems.
We are looking forward to learn about the latest trends in product management!
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