Ready to delve into the intricacies of Organisational Culture? Join us at R2R#12 for a session on why corporate culture matters, the elements and types that define it, and a case study of Orange Moldova's cultural activities. We'll explore what makes employees happy and reveal a surprise project that's sure to spark curiosity and pride.
Date: Wednesday, April 24th
Location: Orange {kITchen}, str. Calea Ieșilor, 8, et.7
Language: Romanian
Hosted at Orange Systems, the IT hub of Orange Moldova and a proud MITP resident with over 16 years of local operation, our venue reflects a commitment to driving a creative, quality-driven, and competitive IT sector. With its status as the second-largest IT employer in Moldova, Orange Systems is a prime example of nurturing digital transformation solutions.
Our speaker for the evening is Mihaela Pohilă, Coordinator of Culture and Diversity at Orange Moldova. Mihaela dedicates her expertise to nurturing a caring environment for all colleagues through feedback sessions, training deliveries, surveys, workshops, and various programmes aimed at promoting a healthy team culture. She is also committed to ensuring a balanced and discrimination-free workplace that thrives without the barriers of stereotypes.
Don't miss out on this event, where we won't just offer answers but will also ignite the right questions about organisational culture. Register now and be part of the conversation that shapes the way we work and grow together:
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