StartupTalks: Building Dreams. Chronicals of My Career Odyssey
We are happy to welcome again at Mediacor the accelerators and startups expert, Tal Catran. This time we won't talk in numbers or strategies, but rather explore Tal's journey from its very beginning and talk in terms of dreams and achievements.
On December 6, at 17:00, we invite you to Mediacor to meet Tal Catran not only as a start-ups mentor, but also to discover the unknown parts of his story, in an inspirational dialogue with the young generation.
We will explore Tal's past and the dreams that guided his path, in an engaging discussion between two generations and two different visions: that of a successful entrepreneur and a young enthusiast who thinks in creative terms. It is about Valeria, a charismatic who is studying Multimedia at #FutureProfessions for the first year.
Since founding more than 20 start-up accelerators globally in 2012, Tal Catran has guided hundreds of start-ups, tech hubs and incubators around the world. He has helped bring more than 1,000 start-ups to market and consulted companies in more than 30 countries.
Tal is a TEDx speaker and podcast producer for Forbes, sharing professional tools and inspiration with entrepreneurs worldwide. From his first visit to Moldova in 2018 until now, Tal has supported the start-up ecosystem in our country, providing consultancy to creators, entrepreneurs and decision-makers in government and education. At the beginning of this year, he joined the FTA Moldova team, bringing his expertise in accelerating and promoting the start-up ecosystem in our country.
This is the third time when Tal comes to Mediacor to share secrets from his experience.
What lessons did he learn from his first work experience? What are the key factors and rules for maintaining great working relationships? These are just 2 of the many questions Valeria, as the moderator of the talk, prepared for Tal. Let us discover the answers together.
This event is organised by Mediacor in partnership with the COR Creative Companies Association with the support of the Future Technologies Project, funded by USAID, Sweden and Great Britain.
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