Come to the Orange Digital Centre on 17 May and discover how to turn ideas into innovative products through Design Thinking.
The workshop is dedicated to people passionate about technology and creating the best solutions for customers, leaders and managers, students, potential Product Managers and founders of businesses and startups.
The event will be structured in a workshop delivered by 3 speakers, who will come with complementary perspectives on the field of Design Thinking:
- Andrei Valcov, UI/UX expert, passionate about innovation and sustainability;
- Mariana Gurghis, specialist in educational strategies and human-centred design;
- Mihai Avram, entrepreneur and visionary in the use of data for strategic decisions.
Why participate?
1. You will learn the fundamental principles of Design Thinking;
2. you will discover how to apply creative techniques to create products for your customers;
3. Connect with other innovative professionals in the Connector community.
Event agenda:
18:00 - 18:30: Check-in & networking
18:45 - 19:00: Presentation of the Orange Digital Centre and the Connector community
19:00 - 20:30: Workshop "Create products for your customers through Design Thinking"
20:30 - 21:00: Networking
Mark your calendar for May 17, 18:30, offline at the Orange Digital Centre.
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